Thanks be to God! He is ever
merciful and gracious, especially to the people who have not known Him. After
few months of my ministry in Tampin, I discovered this superstitious town needs
Gospel of Christ. It takes efforts and much work in scattering seeds. The
process needs my patience and perseverance.
At present, I focus Tampin Hospital
as my main area of ministry. This is the place where people need comfort and
encouragement. Most patients approached by me are willing to respond and talk
to me. From the conversations I introduced to them my identity and ministry of Anglican Church. So far, I have
gathered their names in my visiting lists.
Recently, social security has not
been good. Burglary and break-ins in residential areas were common occurrence
nowadays. Last month, three break-ins took place within less than two hours. An
old couple was not spared in this incident.
Residents were infuriated and requested the authorities to beef up
security measures.
Weeks ago, I visited an old patient
at his home in Taman Indah. He was Low Hock Seng. Unfortunately, his house was
ransacked by burglar. He did not report
to police for the loss of wallet and hand-phone though saddened by this
incident. After in-depth study of Low’s background, I found out he lives from
hand to mouth, life is a struggle for him. I committed him to the Lord so that
some kind of help may come to him.
Later, two parishioners were touched by my ministry and they contributed RM150.00 to this old man. I handed over this gift of love on their behalf during my last visit to Low’s family. This is a gesture of Christ love towards the needy and marginalized in Tampin. When I took the first step in to serve the poor and needy there, God’s spirit will move among the unreached. One day people will come to know Him through this ministry.
Later, two parishioners were touched by my ministry and they contributed RM150.00 to this old man. I handed over this gift of love on their behalf during my last visit to Low’s family. This is a gesture of Christ love towards the needy and marginalized in Tampin. When I took the first step in to serve the poor and needy there, God’s spirit will move among the unreached. One day people will come to know Him through this ministry.
Not only Tampin is progressing, I
also witnessed St Chad’s positive developmet. Its congregation is increasing
and friends are coming in to join the service. The Sunday service is conducted
trilingually. Sermon is preached in
English and Mandarin by me, and followed by Tamil interpreted by Esther Maniam
who is the Lay reader there. Pray that God will bless this church and more souls
will be won for His Kingdom.
St Chad’s kindergarten will undergo
transformation next year. Thanks to the efforts made by Ven. Charles Fraser.
Under his supervision, Esther has charted out plans to take in Chinese
students. Miss Ong who is an experienced teacher has agreed to teach in the
Chinese class. She used to teach in a kindergarten in Bahau. For reason of her health condition, she decided
to move back to her home in Kg Geddes. Your prayer is much appreciated for the
future development of St Chad’s.